Sunday, December 31, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
A new finish

I had to stitch on Christmas Day, so at tea-time decided on this design by Patricia Ann, as it was handy. I bought this as a kit on Ebay last month, a bit of a bargain at £1.04 plus £2 p/p. I have a few Patricia Ann charts which I have bought new, but I'd not seen this one before. The colours are lovely. I love the Kreinik braid too, it's the same one I used in True Friends by Just Nan earlier this year. The full picture is a bit blurred, but I need good light.

Monday, December 25, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I received this chart in the Chatelaine Advent Calender, it was for Day 10, and I just couldn't wait to get started, so here it is. I stitched it in the recommended DMC's, but I used a Madeira metallic for the Silver, and boy does it shine. I also used some glass beads which I bought at the NEC last month, I just couldn't resist them they are really shiney too, but it doesn't show on the photo. I finished it last night. I can already see it in different colour combinations.
Hope you like.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Another ornament
Friday, December 15, 2006
Christmas ornaments

This is the ornament I stitched for Jayne in the Stitch and Stash finished christmas ornament exchange. It's from JCS Ornament issue, I can't remember the year, I'll have to look it up. I was really pleased with how it turned out, and would love to do one for myself.
And this is the one I received from Claire in the stitch and stash exchange. This design is a Lizzie Kate freebie. I've not found out from Claire yet what threads she used.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
It will soon be Christmas

by xstitcherxx
I've not blogged for a while, but I have been busy stitching. So I'll start with a couple of long lost Christmas UFO's which I finished the other week. The one above, had been started, but only a couple of lengths of thread had been stitched. So I finished the cross stitching, added the beads, and made it up. I am please with the results. Now the one below, only needed a couple of fringes beading, stuffing and making up.

by xstitcherxx
Friday, November 17, 2006

Well, it's been a while since I blogged. I've had a busy couple of weekends. Last Saturday I went to the NEC on a coach trip. I had a great day, but unfortunately didn't get around it all. Maybe next year I'll go and stay in the area. Having left home at 7:20 in the morning, we didn't arrive at the NEC until 11.30 am, and then had to leave at 4.45pm, and arrived home just before 9pm. It was a long day, but just not enough time at the show. I bought a few bits and bobs. My best buy was 50p, a mobile phone charm for dd.
I did some framing on Sunday, well only one picture. I stitched this for someone at work, and gave it to them. They went out and bought the frame, and then asked me to frame it for them. I wasn't really happy with how it went. I prefer to lace my stitching, but this frame didn't have enough depth to have the bulk of it being laced. By the time I'd put the mount into the frame, there was hardly any room to get the fabric in, and then had to put thin card behind the stitching, as the frame back was brown, and it showed through the fabric.
So I'll leave you with this pic, and hope to blog more over the weekend.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
A little stitching
I've not attempted to post a picture here, because I can tell Blogger is not happy. Maybe it has a hangover after a good Saturday night.
Monday, October 30, 2006
It's nearly Halloween
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Being careful
I finished the Biscornu I was doing as part of a SAL, I stitched it with Crescent Colours - Heather Leigh, I really love the thread, but realised I wouldn't have enough to stitch both sides, so the bottom is stitched with a DMC variegated thread, in shades of purple. I hope you like the button, I found four of them in my mums button tin. They've been in there for as long as I can remember, so they may well be older than me.
As blogger is not letting me post pictures, you'll have to make do with this small one. Please click on it for a bigger picture.

by xstitcherxx
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Gone missing

by xstitcherxx
Sunday, October 01, 2006
The Gift of Stitching
Friday, September 29, 2006
No stitching here
There'll be no stitching tonight, as I'm out card making. I also have a busy week next week, I'll be out Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday night. Although if I'm lucky I may manage an hour on Wednesday night when I get back home. Fingers crossed.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I know it's not a really clear picture, (but if you click on the pic to open a bigger one-you might see it better) I'll do a close up of the case when I've finished it. The case is read with a black cat on it. I've finished the cat, but I'm not happy with the beading across the base of the case, so I'm going to undo it, it was a little too slack just in a small area, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and as I won't be doing another I want it to be right. I really enjoy beading, but how many beaded needle cases does one need. Now beaded baubles, that's another story. I'll try and remember at Christmas to photograph the one's I've made.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Well, last week was a stash week. I'm having trouble posting the pics on here, Blogger does not want to play tonight. I had a busy week last week, not much time for PC, and then over the weekend, I wasn't able to get on the PC when I wanted to. I don't normally have any problem, but when I was able the rest of the family were on, and when it was free I was busy!
I have finally finished Part 8 of Mystery IX, have stitched a little more of Part 9, but Part 10 will soon be here. I can't wait to see what it will be, Part 9 was definately a surprise, and I can honestly say I have no idea where the pattern is going. But that's the whole idea of a Mystery isn't it?
Monday, September 18, 2006
Le Potager du Roi

I thought I'd give Mystery IX, it's proper title. I've finally picked it back up, and getting on with it. An unexpected plumbing emergency has meant I've had to take the day off work, so I thought I'd post.
As the photo's of Mystery IX don't really show the threads off, I've taken a pic showing the threads used in Part 8, as they are nearly all variegated it means longer stitching time, but I'm hopeful to get this part finished, and a good way on with Part 9 before the next one is released. Wish me luck.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Flower sampler

I've still not returned to Mystery IX, but will do so now. I have gotten it down from the loft, and the Flower sampler has been packed away. I've stitched another two squares since my last posting, so there's only one motif left, and the border was released on Friday, so need to decide on that, there's a couple, or I could do them both. I think I will do them with a darker green.
I've definately decided on the floss colour for the 'stitchers set' I'm going to make, and chosen some pretty flowered fabric to go with it, so looking forward to starting that, but I must devote at least the next week to Mystery IX.
Oh, I forgot, I have just received a Tacky Bob, and I'm hoping this will help with all the beading needed on Mystery IX. I love beads, and most things I've stitched recently have beads, but I'm notorious for spilling them. I somehow, always manage to spill the pot, and they go down the side of my chair-lost forever. I ran out when I was stitching Shimmering Mermaid, probably due to spilling them several times. I've now decided to put a throw over the chair whenever I have beads, and then hopefully I'll be able to pick them up off the throw. I'll let you all know how I find Tacky Bob.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Another day, another motif

I had another think on the stitching set I'm going to make, and have changed my mind about the thread colour, but I still have to do a floss toss with the fabric to see if it works.
Off now to get Mystery IX from the loft, and while I'm up there, I'll see about the floss toss. So many projects, so little time.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Not much to tell this week

Well, this has been a really poor stitching week. Maybe I was all stitched up after last weekend. Anyway, I've frogged part 5 on the Flower Sampler, and I've restitched and finished it. If you like the look of it, you can find the pattern here.
I've put in an order from Needlecraft Corner, but I'm not telling what I've ordered yet. You'll have to come back another day! I've also decided on a new project. I was going through the free patterns I've downloaded, and found a nice Stitchers Set to do, I don't think it will take too long, I've chosen the fabric, and the thread (I think) from my stash, and hope to start on that soon. I think it will make a nice gift for my friend.
Well that was short and sweet, but Roast Chicken calls. Hope to see you all soon.
Monday, September 04, 2006
HD here

HD here.
This stitched up really, really fast. Sorry the pictures not so good. I've been back at work today, and I'm just too tired to stitch, or master a good photo. I just need to stitch the point up, and I'm thinking of backing it, can't decide whether to put iron on interfacing, with holes cut out for the drawn thread work, and the hardanger. Or maybe just back it with some pink fabric.
I now have to decide which WIP to return to. I think it has to be between Mystery IX or Japanese Garden, which I am finishing for someone.
I'll be back in a couple of days to let you know, what I decide. It's my Cross Stitch Club tomorrow night, so I don't expect to get any stitching done then either (too much chatting!).
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Progress pic

Wll, this is stitching up really fast, once I eventually got started, I had to frog 3 times! I'm really pleased with how it looks. I only have to do the hardanger heart, and the V border at the bottom, and then it'll be finished. I'm thinking of having a go at making a hanger for the top from some dowelling and maybe some small doorknobs. Has anyone else made any themselves?
Friday, September 01, 2006
It's September
Hi everyone, it's September already.
Firstly, I'd like to thank you all for visiting, and hope you keep coming back. And thanks to all the nice people who left comments.
Well, I've done a little bit more stitching on Mystery IX, nearly done another corner of Part 8. Part 9 arrived yesterday, and it contains lots and lots of beads and crystals. I couldn't resist stitching a little bit of Part 9 too!
For a few days now I've been itching to stitch something else, so I've started a new project. I had a look in my stash, and I found this. I bought this a couple of months ago from Viking Loom in York. I thought it was really nice, and only £3! A real bargain. I'm hoping it won't take too long.
Anyway, I started it whilst the tea was cooking, and have realised I'll have to frog it all. I've somehow swapped the greens around. Don't you just hate that. Here's a pic, it'll probably take me longer to frog than it did to stitch. It seems really big stitching it too, as it's on 28 count, and my recent stitching has all been on 32 count, 36 count, and 18.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006
The first corner done

I did the first corner, but still need to bead it, but I'll do the other three corners, and then bead them all at the same time.

I'm also working on another mystery-this one's a freebie though, available from Kissycross blog. This is how far I am, I worked on Part 5 tonight, but will have to frog it, as I'm one square out. I'm doing it on 18 count aida in a nice mint colour. I don't really use aida much, but as I have acquired a lot recently, I thought I'd use it for this. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with this piece when it's finished though. Maybe a bag, or a cushion.
I'll be adding some more of my WIP's soon.
A little bit more
This part is ready for the leaves and flowers.