Band 2 and half of Band 3 now completed. I did have a visit from the frogs, but I a loving the colours of this one. Tonight I'll be stitching on this months needle roll, well I'm hoping to finish it, I only need to put the lace on, sew on some beads and a charm, and stitch it together, which I will do by hand. I already know which needle roll I will do for next month, and it may be linked to Valentines Day. I'm in the mood for some more hearts.
Your making beautiful progress Chris! I love it! :)
Gorgeous! this is so pretty.
Nice progress on the blue border too.
Chris, this is looking gorgeous! Those colors are wonderful.
WOW I only just found your blog. Your stitching is really lovely and you live in the U.K. and don't stitch on AIDA! YAYYYYYY! Sorry about that - I too am in the UK. I will keep watching your blog. Patti xxx
That is looking really pretty Chris
It's looking lovely Chris. Sorry you had a visit from the frog. Please don't send him my way though. Make sure he's gone in the river!
I'm hoping to finish my neederoll today. I still have some stitching to do yet but if I get my finger out I might just get it done!
What lovely stitching, and such a good photo of it too, it shows the colours really well
Hi, I could have sworn I left a comment before on this. Oh well such is life. But I love what you have done it is just gorgeous. Patti xxx
That's so beautiful!
Wow - this is such a beautiful piece. I was looking further down in your blog trying to see the name of this JN piece? I love how the white 'lace' looks on the pink linen! Course I love most anthing pink and white. LOL. Great progress!
Beautiful! I love Just Nan but haven't worked on any of mine in a LONG time!
Now what's a JN without frogs??? lol
Yours is shaping up beautifully!
Belated happy birthdays, btw.
Beautiful!!! I need to get back to my JNs soon.
This is lovely. I was trying to figure out which JN also. Beautiful stitching!
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