I have no idea, but I hope your guesses will give me some encouragement. A finish will be something I stitched in previous years, and make into something (just framing it won't count-unless I make the frame myself), it could be something I complete the stitching on this year, and may have started this year or previously. Or something else I make and complete (not stitched). I hope that makes it clear. All you have to do is leave a comment on this posting. Entry closes on 31 January 2009. I will list entries on the side of this blog. The prize will be - something I stitch just for you. Any questions - just shout. (Carol, Pam, Jackie - you can all join in too - you know who you are!)
Now, here's some stitching to show, my New Years Eve start - as I don't go out on New Years Eve, I like to have a new stitchy start, although it nearly didn't happen this time, as I'd been at work in the day, and had a headache, but I forced myself to get some material out and cut it, and that was after 9pm, so a bit of a late start, but I'm loving it. It's called Sealed with a Kiss, and is by Blue Ribbon Designs, I bought the pattern in 2006, and have been wanting to start it for a while. I'm using 40ct white linen, and loving stitching on this fabric, and I'm using the recommended threads. When I started I was thinking I'd do 10 squares a week, but I couldn't put it down. There's 100 squares altogether.

Next up, is Shepherds Bush Garden Roll. Sally and I have decided to do a needle roll a month, so this is my first one. I was going to do the Millenium Roll this month, but when I went to get it out the stash, this one shouted the loudest. I suppose I'm dreaming of Summer. As the temperature soared upwards to -2 yesterday! Although today we now have 9 degrees, and expect some rain, which will be a change. Anyway, I started this one last night.

Friday night was Becky's SAT, I joined the Let's Stitch blog when Becky set it up, with the idea of digging out some old UFO's. I don't think I've blogged my progress on them on my blog, but I will try from now on. I did give the last few Fridays a miss though. So this UFO is Teresa Wentzler's Noah's Ark, and was started many years ago, but I have made good progress by joining in the SAT. As you can see, I completed another square, although I need to back stitch it yet. If you're not familiar with this, there are 22 squares surrounding the ark, and they all contain pairs of animal's stitched over 1.
wow...you have started already with full of motivation. That is really motivating me ...I was a frequent visitor to your blog and i'm sure with your talent and motivation, you will have atleast 50 finishes this year...only more than that...nothing less.
Have a nice year...looking forward to see your beautiful finishes.
The Blue Ribbon is gorgeous and i cant wait to see more of the needleroll.
What a great competition, now to a guess .... i'll guess my house number 52!
I say you will finish 34 projects this year. Good luck!
They all look great. Not sure how many you will finish..... maybe 25?
I love your Sealed with a Kiss - and your other work is as beautiful as ever.
I'd like to enter your competiton - great idea :) I think you will finish 44 items - good luck
I'm looking forward to seeing Sealed With a Kiss when it is finished. I think you will complete 47 projects.
Sealed with a kiss is looking lovely.
I'm not going to do what Julie did and guess my house number. Six would be a little insulting don't you think? Looking at the progress you've made so far I think it will be quite a high number so I'm going to go with 56
I'm not guessing my house number as I live at number 1 so I will go with 37 - my lucky number!
Wow, Chris, Sealed With A Kiss is coming along brilliantly! I love it. I can see why you can't put it down.
Lovely start on the needleroll. I haven't even decided which one to stitch yet but I might do the snow one.
Brilliant idea for a blogoversary draw! I will guess 45.
Wow you have an excellent start to the year with all those Chris. I shall look forward to seeing the needlerolls that you and Sally stitch. I have one half done but need the time to finish it. This year I want to concentrate on making inroads into my present wips and maybe get some finishes so that next year I can start all those projects that keep shouting to me.
My first guess was 31 so I will stick with that.
oh this is hard to guess..... I'll go with 40!!
Good luck
It seems that all that I know are trying to get our stitching in order, myself included.
Love the Blue Ribbon design.
Good luck with your finishes.
Hi, just found your blog. It's fun to read. I think you'll finish 51 projects this year.
After thinking about this very carefully:considering the work you are committed to,holidays and occasions throughout the year and the speed at which you work, I tired myself out! So I am going to say 48,(4 a month) and leave it at that! Love the work you are doing at the moment. :-)
I always love reading your blog Chris!! And the Sealed With A Kiss is just great!! I also love what you did with the birds of a feather ladies - might just nick that idea - did the whole thing over Christmas, but it makes for such a nice smalls piece too.
OK, I will have a guess - I'm going big! 65!! You can do it!!
Hugs Moll
What beautiful WIPs! Am looking forward to seeing them grow. I love the idea of a needleroll a month too. As for your finished projects, I will hazard a guess at 49.
My guess is 62!
beautiful new starts and such fab progress on sealed!
Some lovely progress,I think that you will finish 59 thing this year
Nice blog and lovely stitching too. I would like to enter your giveaway too please. I will guess 54. That is my mum's house number. I would have used mine, but I live at number 3!
S.w.a.k is looking great, and the needleroll is coming along nicely, something I need to try out.
Great idea for a comp. I will guess 36
I'll wager a guess of 53!
This is an odd number but I would like to say 72 finishes. For some reason that number just popped into my head.
Anyway your WIP's are coming along great! Keep up the good work!
mmmm... my guess is that you'll have 27 finishes this year :)
Hi Chris! I'm going to go with my age and guess 43.
My guess is that you'll have 61 finishes this year, good luck no matter what the outcome
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