Well, I decided on a new start. I was looking through my JN charts, and decided on this one. I have some threads on order for some new starts, but this one called to me the loudest. I am going to have to get a couple of Perle threads in order to completed it. It's stitching up really quickly, and I may not be able to keep it for JN Sunday, I just love the colours in the one, but then that's no real surprise is it.
Oooh... another lovely JN design updates to look forward too. That's a great start, Chris.
Oooh... another lovely JN design updates to look forward too. The new start is looking good.
Will enjoy watching your new WIP develop Chris - very pretty. I must stitch a JN soon - plenty in my stash, just keep doing other things instead. :0)
Very, very pretty... i vote don't wait till next Sunday LOL
It's looking lovely Chris, nice start
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