Long time, no blog. Sorry, just not in the mood. Not in the mood for much lately. I think I need SUN.
I took part in the Pumpkin Patch exchange at SBEBB, and I received this wonderful little bag from Cindy, it's so cute, look at the little mini pumpkins she made on the end of the ribbon. (there's a better pic on her blog. Cindy also made me a pin cushion, that will be going in my sewing box. I find when I have my machine out, I never have enough pincushions, as I always end up with pins everywhere. I think I might be using that later. And Cindy added a chocolate cook book, as she saw that I liked to bake, looking forward to making something from that.

For the exchange I stitched JBW Pumpkin, but opted to not stitch the word pumpkin at the bottom, as I liked the look of it without, although once made into a pinkeep, I wondered if I should have stitched the word below, but too late then. Oh well. I backed it with the same fabric as the FQ I sent, which was maybe not the right choice, but I struggled to find what I would have liked to have put on the back.

A picture of the whole exchange package.
Just Nan Sunday has not happened the last two Sundays. I've not done a lot of stitching recently, but I have made an ornament from the new JCS ornament mag, well I've stitched it, picture to follow after I've made it up, unless I decide to give it as a gift, and then you'll have to wait. I have to finish a Make A Wish gift, and get that in the post tomorrow. I really hate being last minute with these, but it does seem that I always am. I'll be late for my own funeral. LOL. Which my mum was, the driver took us the wrong way, only to find it was a dead end, this was because there'd been an accident and the route we would have taken was closed. (not funny at the time, but it is when you look back). Spooky, just realised it's actually 3 years to the day that the funeral took place.
Anyway, it's really cold here today, we woke up to a bad frost. DH and I had planned to go out for the day, as we are both off work this week. We went to Pickering, and then Scarborough, in North Yorkshire, and it was chilly. I wished I'd taken my camera, and brought you some photo's, when we went out this morning, it was lovely and sunny, and very clear across the Yorkshire Wolds. At Scarbrough it was cloudy, and windy, and there were about 50 surfers out, we had a lovely sea view across the bay from the Fish and chip restaurant we went in. I don't think they caught much surf though, and I can't imagine how cold the sea would have been. BBrrrrrr!!!. According to my PC it's 34F outside now, and going down. Time to go and sit by the fire I think. Chat soon.
Anyway, it's really cold here today, we woke up to a bad frost. DH and I had planned to go out for the day, as we are both off work this week. We went to Pickering, and then Scarborough, in North Yorkshire, and it was chilly. I wished I'd taken my camera, and brought you some photo's, when we went out this morning, it was lovely and sunny, and very clear across the Yorkshire Wolds. At Scarbrough it was cloudy, and windy, and there were about 50 surfers out, we had a lovely sea view across the bay from the Fish and chip restaurant we went in. I don't think they caught much surf though, and I can't imagine how cold the sea would have been. BBrrrrrr!!!. According to my PC it's 34F outside now, and going down. Time to go and sit by the fire I think. Chat soon.
Nice to "see" you back :)
Both exchange gifts are lovely.
I love Scarborough, we used to go there on holiday when I was little.
By the way, my DH surfs and he reckons the water temp doesn't drop much before Christmas. Not sure I'd chance it myself though...
love the exchange pieces.
Glad that you like it :D
Both exchange pieces are lovely :)
I can't imagine getting in the water at Scarborough in the height of summer never mind this time of year brrrr!
Great to see you blogging again - sending hugs.
Love the exchanges and stitching,and I quite agree with a warm cuppa it is nippy
Love your exchange gifts and I am glad to enter your name in the Sisterhood drawing. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Boht exchanges are gorgeous Chris. I love the thread you used for pumpkin.
Lovely exchanges :)
Great exchanges.
Such pretty exchanges!
Great exchange
Gifts are gorgeous!
Lovely colours !
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