Saturday, June 09, 2007


I came on here to post pics of a recent exchange that I was in, but I seem to be having trouble with uploading photo's. So I'll try again tomorrow.

For now I'll leave you with a photo of a new WIP. I started this last night, but it won't be a WIP for much longer!


Julie said...

a lovely colour thread on this WIP Chris, i like it very much

Stitchingranny said...

Thats pretty Chris - what is it and what colour are you using?

Sue said...

Pretty start and almost finish ;)

mainely stitching said...

Sorry to hear about your photo-loading problems, but I love this WIP. Who's the designer?

Sally said...

Love your WIP Chris. Who is it by?

Anonymous said...

Lovely progress - this is on my "to stitch as soon as possible" list!

Carol said...

So beautiful! And you are working this one so quickly too! Wow!!

Toukan äiti said...

It's beautiful! And you did that in one evening? Wow!

Karoline said...

It's lovely Chris, great progress

Dani - tkdchick said...

Blogger can be a bit of a PITA from time to time!